Water Treatment
Conventional water treatment plants we offer are designed to treat Surface Water and River Water bringing water supply to drinking water standard with many of our designed and built plants successfully operating in the MENA region, "WPE" constantly provides our clients with optimum water treatment solutions based on required capacity, type of water to be treated and plant location, thereby guaranteeing the minimum possible Operation & Maintenance cost.
The multi-stage Water Treatment Plants can be designed using Concrete/Steel tanks or can be designed to be Containerized Compact or Mobile Plants. They generally contain chemical treatment systems such as coagulation, flocculation and disinfection units, physical treatment systems such as sedimentation and clarification as well as advanced treatment systems such as gravity or pressure filtration, and softening units.
Our water treatment plants insure the removal of all types of surface water pollutants & contaminants such as high suspended solids, clay, as well as bacterial contaminations.